By Monika - 05/05/2011 21:04 - United States

Today, my identical twin sister got in trouble for sneaking out of the house to see her boyfriend. My father decided to ground both of us, because it would be "too confusing" for him otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 560
You deserved it 5 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP's dad has failed in parenting.........

Punch her in the face so that the bruise can distinguish her from you.


chino627 0

That's awesome! You should be taking advantage of that more often!

Your device should also be able to pop up with a name for the owner of the penis. That way dads know whose ass to lick.

*Kick. Oh damn, how that letter slip brings a whole new meaning to my comment.

FMLephant 2

Your first comment doesn't work well with the pic dude. But it's funny as hell.

that about sums it all up, either that or the dad is just SUPER lazy ha

kaitthegreat 0

that's a bunch of bullshit ! I'd still do whatever ( :

Ha, yeah. It's my surprised face for when some dad comes snooping around my ass. I can't say I was prepared for what happened next.

SpectSelf 0

get back at her by having sex with her boyfriend while pretending to be her lol

TheDrifter 23

No, set up dates for places her and her boyfriend are going and then ditch and watch the excitement as your piece of random from online thinks someone is snaking his date.

KVKdragon 26

yeah, if I were in that situation, I wouldn't care what the punishment was, I'd completely ignore it. I'd do whatever it takes to have my way in an unfair situation like this. it's just not right for you to be punished for nothing. also, don't you and your twin have cell phones? maybe your dad would be able to tell the difference by calling both of your cell phones. and even if you switched them with the other twin, he'd still be able to tell since he could ask you questions on when he last called or texted you without letting you look at your phone.

KVKdragon 26

and while you answer, he could look at the call history on the phone. if you got it right, that means it's confirmed that you're the twin that did nothing wrong. he could also make random calls at recent times to your cell to make sure the misbehaving twin doesn't try to memorize what's on your phone and get out of the house.