By TooLesbian - 25/09/2014 02:33 - Australia - Kellyville
TooLesbian tells us more.
I am the OP for this post. She is not my friend, just the sister of a friend (I live with both). Where I live in Australia, "queer" is still used as a derogatory word against gay people, and gay men and women are often called that by homophobes in public. She is completely straight, but thinks she is revolutionary by joining the gay rights movement as an "ally". Because she knows gay people, she assumes that she is entitled to use words we call ourselves. She knows I'm not comfortable with the word "queer" because I've had it used against me by bullies at high school, but she continues to use it because "it's an umbrella term" (although it isn't, some a word SOME LGBT people call themselves). She isn't a homophobe, and I'm not insinuating that she is - just really annoying.
Top comments
I don't think your roommate is insane..... just stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does. And she is definitely doing stupid well.
Social Justice Warrior with a Tumblr account, yes?
Your roommate is an idiot. Stupid is not a slur against the mentally disabled, the word retarded is. I'd tell her she needs to educate herself on a few things.
Maybe she's just trying to get revenge... apparently, she's stupid.
After going to that club it's possible she might be come one...don't bet on it though... I think she better have her words apply to the case she went on with about you...
Queer means wierd, not neccessarily gay. It was used as a derogitory word for gay people because they were considered wierd. Although most uses of the term are used to refer to gay (meaning happy also) dont jump to the conclusio that it is what she means. Dont be over sensitive, ask her what she means. If peop,e would just talk and not jump to conclusions, we could sort out,most of the worlds problems. :-)

Well she is just a hypocrite FYL
What a 'stupid' roommate you have!