By burn - 01/08/2011 20:05 - United States

Today, my kids decided putting laxatives in my coffee would loosen me up and calm my nerves. I have a 3 hour long meeting soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 967
You deserved it 3 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Just let it all out during the meeting. They like it when people express themselves.

mrfunbun01 1

Put lax in their food next time you make them dinner.


They just got confused with relaxatives.

Three step solution. 1: take a long runny shit. 2: take a stool hardener. 3: pray to god!

TheTwistedOtaku 16

It's the thought that counts. :)

Jellybeanastrid 3

At least it wasnt visine...

that sucks. you must be sh!tting yourself :D

I'm srry hunny but u need 2 beat the living hell out of ur kids cause that shit ain't right I don't give a **** if that doesnt sound right they need an asswoopin to set them straight

moninbg 8

Pranks can be bad, but what really sucks is when people do bad things, all the while meaning well...

moninbg 8

Pranks can be nasty, but what really sucks is when people do bad things, while meaning well ... It makes it so much harder to get properly mad at them

sandmancometh 3