By Anonymous - 08/06/2011 11:22 - France

Today, my kitchen is flooded, and according to my landlord, this is normal, because it rained last night. Funny, I thought the purpose of a roof was to stop water from getting in. Guess I was wrong. Silly me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 411
You deserved it 3 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

No, how could you be so mistaken? The purpose of a roof is for protecting basilisks, he who should not be named, an other demonic forces from crossing over into the mortal world.

enonymous 8

My roof only protects me from the Government stealing my grandma's cookie recipe.


You're a silly goose! Of COURSE it's not for stopping leaks. It's there so that when you're jumping on your amazingly awesome indoor trampoline you don't go flying into outer space if you do a super mega kangaroo jump!!! DUH! EVERYONE knows that. Except apparently for you OP.

miniluda12 12
thisdue1775 0

you learned something new today

Buckywestside 0

On the bright side, now you have a free swimming pool.... that's looking at the glass half full.... or, at least, the kitchen half full ;p

cunningchick 1

Man what were you thinking? Why would any1 ever think that a roof is to keep out water? Lol:)

A roof is only for show, I thought everyone knew that.

Roofs are 100 percent foolproof. The landlord is just a fail.