By Anonymous - 08/06/2011 11:22 - France

Today, my kitchen is flooded, and according to my landlord, this is normal, because it rained last night. Funny, I thought the purpose of a roof was to stop water from getting in. Guess I was wrong. Silly me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 411
You deserved it 3 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

No, how could you be so mistaken? The purpose of a roof is for protecting basilisks, he who should not be named, an other demonic forces from crossing over into the mortal world.

enonymous 8

My roof only protects me from the Government stealing my grandma's cookie recipe.


silly you for thinking the roof was there for protection.

I like your humor :) I know this is serious but you made me laugh (not at you of course)

pwnedl0l 5

YDI, imo. before you rent a house, interrogate the landlord over everything. once you've signed that 6/12/18 month contract, you're screwed, if you don't.

hamster_10 2

at least she doesn't have to clean her kitchen floor anymore

I know how you feel op my roof leaks every time it rains.

yes, silly you, roofs are only used so we can't see the sky while we are cooking in a dry kitchen 

hahaha I thought a roof was for that too !!!! :)