By BrokeAsHell - 30/05/2013 08:51 - Australia - Werribee

Today, my landlord emailed me, stating that she hasn't been receiving my rent. After some investigation, I found out she's been using the money to buy booze, and hasn't been putting it into the house owner's account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 909
You deserved it 2 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Beat that bitch senseless.....- in court.

jsprackman 11


This probably wouldn't happen if you paid with a check/money order vs cash.

Nowhere does it say that the OP was paying in cash. And if he/she was, there's no way they'd have been able to track where the money was going. Since they were, it stands to reason that they were paying either by check or direct funds transfer.

Hopefully the homeowner will understand

Time to take her ass to court and find you a better replacement!

Get her fired! That's against the law. Hope you get all your money returned to you

You'd be surprised how often this happens.

hannahsnyder69 16

You can file a massive lawsuit

You do have receipts, right? If so FYL for having to waste the time and energy to deal with this mess. If you don't, YDI. Always get a receipt for anything over fifty bucks.

tenfiftynine 12

I have never gotten a receipt for rent before.I pay it and that's it...

TheDrifter 23

And if they ever get sick of you, they just claim you owe back rent, post an eviction notice, and you have 30 days to find somewhere else to live.

pwnman 33

OP, please file a complaint towards her. In fact, I'm sure I will make sure she falls down her stairs, in her own house.