By epiiphany - 16/12/2009 23:01 - United States

Today, my little brother got mad at me, so he colored the entire screen of my new iPod Touch with a black sharpie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 024
You deserved it 5 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its glass. use heavy duty window cleaner. done.

DoomJeff91 2

Are you sure it's not turned off?


skyeyez9 24

lots of things can remove permanent marker, but most cleaning chemicals will damage an ipod touch screen. Example: my lil brother tried to clean his with windex and it left permanent streaks in it.

I've never owned an iPod Touch, so I don't know what it's made out of, but if it's plastic, don't use regular nail polish remover. It'll melt the plastic. If you decide to try nail polish remover, make SURE you get the NON ACETONE stuff. Good luck, I hope you can fix it!

takemetomars 0

umm dumbass why would they make itouches 300$ if they were plastic?

and the FML is?? Goof Off, Goo-Gone, so many products get permanent marker off glass. No big deal here

# 29 same as iphone screen. man that really sucks

lol, gee that helps a lot! :P I've never owned an iPhone either. I'm still using my ancient Razor phone, hoping for an upgrade soon.

dude, it's glass -_- get with the times.

kmgentil 0

hi, my name is dick weiners of the dick weiners foundation, i figured i would help his person by getting them a new ipod, so donate $1000 to me and i can personally garenty you that 5% of that will accually go to my foundation, PAID IN PART BY GEORGE W BUSH, oh by the way, in spanish the old president and vice presidents name in spanish is BUSH Y DICK

Did you have a screen cover....or did the sharpie go threw it?

I had no idea sharpies could throw things...

DamagedAngel 0

spray it with hairspray and wipe it off. then wipe the screen with a warm damp cloth. no big deal.

time to beat your lil bro until he realizes what he did wrong. he won't touch it again.

Use strong insect repellent (like Out! spray on deep woods). Spray it onto a paper towel, wipe it and it will come right off.

or spray it in the kid's face. better.

That's lighter fluid you're thinking, silly goose. ;)