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By Mak10 - 10/12/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, I learned the hard way that if you tell your child that they're old enough to cook their own food in the microwave, you have to make sure they're smart enough not to put the metal spoon in with the food as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 302
You deserved it 36 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not about how smart the kid is, it's about how dumb you are for not telling him what he should not put in the microwave. YDI.

Expecting a kid to know to not put metal in a microwave without being told is like expecting anti-obesity groups to blame parents rather than McDonalds for child obesity.


I detest being called a child! and up yours society il put my spoons where I want!

well it doesn't matter I mean if you're going to tell a child that but not teach them how to use it properly at least once then YDI.

hghiPigh 0

if you let morons like the op reproduce, you need to make sure they're smart enough not to kill their offspring

I put a "puts metal in microwave then turns on" 150 thermonometer in the microwave before, good thang I learned my lesson.

my daughter did that once, it's an fml if your child continues to do it!

how the f does that suck for you?? the child got hurt D:

persianjr1 7

haha i remember when i was small i put a pipe in the microwave beause my dad was working on piping in the garage and i wanted the pipe to be warm so we gat warm watter. haha i think i was six or something. haha

mamamiaaa - maybe the kid has been told before but forgot?? I accidentally put something covered in alfoil in the microwave once - we have a convection oven and at first I was intending to cook the item with the oven function, then changed my mind and set it to microwave, forgetting the food was covered in alfoil :P Fortunately after the first spark I reacted fast enough to turn it off and nothing was destroyed :P I'm not sure whether to say this is YDI or FYL without knowing how old the kid is. If they were 6 or 7 I'd say YDI, but if the kid is 12 or 13 I'd say FYL.

why does no one make a metal safe microwave? it would solve so many problems(or is tht just an oven, Lolz)

No, it wouldn't be a microwave oven anymore. Microwaves use dielectric heating which by nature isn't too compatible with metals due to them being conducting =)

Ninjasaurus18 9

I they're just learning to use a microwave, they had better three-five. When I was five, I was making my own microwave scrambled eggs for breakfast. So hopefully they aren't six or seven.

When I was eight, I put my spoon in my soup bowl because I thought "then its less work putting it back in after " one freaked out mother and a broken microwave later, I realize that might not of been such a good idea.

whoisthisgirl 4 must have an old microwave. mine doesn't get ruined.

whoisthisgirl - uhhh.... "old" has nothing to do with it... you shouldn't put metal in a microwave! While newer microwaves might not get *ruined* by it, it's still a hazard and can create sparks and stuff.

sourgirl101 28

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better comment than that 4

WTF kinda sentence is that? It looks like you craped out a mix of words and said eff it, it looks great the way it is. You sir, fail at creating sentences. @4

wow. well u should have went over saftey rules so ydi

iamironman97 0

what if the kid is like 10? it's common sense to use a microwave by then.

I always put the metal spoon in. Nothing happens. Wtf.

he probably had something in for a long time

I accidentally cook spoons in there for two seconds and the kitchen smells like smoke

Expecting a kid to know to not put metal in a microwave without being told is like expecting anti-obesity groups to blame parents rather than McDonalds for child obesity.

Instead of making a point you, my friend, completely failed.

The X-Men comment made me giggle :) And OP, dont forget Pop Tarts. I microwaved a Pop Tart YEARS ago leaving it laying on the wrapper. I heard a buzz and the wrapper disappeared and my Pop Tart was ruined :(

It's not about how smart the kid is, it's about how dumb you are for not telling him what he should not put in the microwave. YDI.

Agreed. OP, that's definitely a parenting fail. Kids aren't born with this sort of knowledge. It's actually your job as a parent to teach them.

Agreed. I remember the first time I found out you don't put metal in the microwave. I think I was six. I was trying to make tea, and so I put water into our tiny metal teapot. There were purple lights, and I thought it was really cool and pretty until my mom freaked out. OP, your child isn't dumb; you are for not informing them on how to use a microwave properly.

AceArctic 4

I've never put metal in the microwave, but I did try plastic... it exploded and ruined my corn flakes. o.O

you put corn flakes in the microwave...why?

I put corn flakes (or any kind of cereal for that matter) in the microwave. I put in a little milk, put the bowl in for 30-60 seconds, and when it is done, it's all mushy and warm, which makes a nice breakfast on a cold day. :)

spensikaa 0

I've seen an 18 year old do that.