By DntH8 - 23/06/2009 07:21 - United States

Today, my little nieces and nephews were about to have a water balloon fight. I was told to take pictures. They hit me. And my $600 camera. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 930
You deserved it 11 392

DntH8 tells us more.

I'm a poor college student so spending several thousand dollars on camera is way out of my budget. Trust me. It wasn't my idea to use my SLR. And if I had had it my way I'd have told my family members to shove it and put their own camera in the line of fire.

Top comments

augustdanielle 0

Ah fun :) My little nieces and nephews would be buying me a new camera.

I have a 600$ camera and I never would have taken it to a water balloon fight. =/


How is YDI for having a $600 camera (prob. an SLR)? I have a Nikon F80 and Canon AE-1, with multiple lenses and accessories... My $2000 of equipment cost me $500 on sales...

ohhemmgee33 0

camras dont cost $600. And if you did have a "$600 camera" why would you spend that much money on a camra that you could buy for $50

Erm, proper cameras do! If you're actually into photography then $600 isn't actually that much to spend on one! I have a Hasselblad 500cm which cost me roughly £800 for a full kit, (roughly $1300) Cameras that you can buy for $50 just aren't that great. Still, what kind of person uses an SLR to photograph a water fight, without using waterproof casing, dick!

I'm a poor college student so spending several thousand dollars on camera is way out of my budget. Trust me. It wasn't my idea to use my SLR. And if I had had it my way I'd have told my family members to shove it and put their own camera in the line of fire.

You totally should've asked them if you could borrow one of theirs. Ideally you need to not use it for a while, like a week and make sure that you dry it out thoroughly, if you're lucky it'll just be the battery that's screwed from water damage, and new batteries aren't expensive. Btw, i'm a poor uni student, i saved up for 3 months to buy the hasselblad, but totally worth it!

rwarlol 0

huh medium format camera can easily go up to $15,000 some even $30,000. in terms of slr, $600-$900 is like entry level camera, $1000-2000 is like prosumer level camera, and anything above is like professorial. so $600 is not that much considering it to be a slr plus you got to factor in the lens, which you shouldn't go cheap on since they are the bread and butter of the camera. body doesn't really much much compare to a good lens.

SLR. Which boils down to better quality photos, higher mega pixels, and more accessories for a variety of different types of photos.

Heh, I've cleaned my $6000 camera off with a garden hose after taking it out in some heavy tropical thunderstorms and it getting generally messy. Gotta love the pro builds. :)

So, what? You tell your family to **** off because it is an expensive camera? I can tell you must have great familial relationships...

Take the battery out, let it dry for a day without turning it on. It should be fine unless water got in between the screen, which is annoying but not camera fatal. If it didn't get water damaged, then it should be repairable.

that_one_dude 0

I hate it when that happens. Good thing it wasn't a Canon 5D which costs like $2000 something.

rwarlol 0

water balloon wouldn't kill your camera. just detach everything, lens, batteries, etc, keep all the compartments open in a dry area where there is air flow and no direct sunlight. let everything dry out that way and it should be fine. also, best to keep it in a cabinet or something like that to get dust from entering the camera and getting on the sensor, which isn't a big deal you just need to clean it before you use it again or else it will have dust in your pictures.

UsingLogic 0

$600 camera and it's not waterproof? Ah yes, the camera was probably packaged in the West so they did not need to write in which empire it was actually made. I'm talking about the Galactic Empire of course. Anybody thinking of another empire would be soooooo wrong. And you are especially wrong it you think I'm talking about China.

YDI for wasting so much money on something you could get for $50.

CyclonePsycho 1

I guessing you're into photography by the expensive camera, right? (For most people, an expensive camera would be $50). I want to say YDI for not taking care of your stuff and leaving it at home, but I'm getting the feeling from your comment above that your family was whining about "wanting good pictures" or something like that. In that case, FYL for having relatives who obviously aren't concerned with things that don't cost THEM money. They really need to pay you back, but judging by their assholery from earlier, they probably won't. That's family for you.

True Story. Especially seeing as that part of my family doesn't consider me family.

Well... they'll be bending to your every whim and saving their every penny till they make it all back and buy you an even better camera, won't they.