By Anonymous - 06/06/2013 18:47 - Isle of Man - Douglas

Today, my little sister was scared to sleep alone, so my parents made her sleep in bed with me. I barely slept, due to the utter terror of waking up to her chanting into my ear in a low whisper, "This is where you die, this is where you die..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 367
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have started chanting back: "you're going to counseling, you're going to counseling".

Did the television turn static and did she say "they're hereeeeeee"?


Is your mother's name Rosemary, by chance?

Why in the hell didn't the kid just bunk with your parents? That's... really ridiculous. "Oh, you can't sleep on your own? Become the elbows and knees your sister's been waiting for!" Sorry, but that's lazy-ass parenting. If you don't want your kid sleeping in your bed when they're scared, send them right back to their own, NOT to their sister's. That's really inconsiderate of them. On the side note, OP, you can now completely refuse to endure it again on the grounds of blank-is-*******-insane. :)

Tell her to shut up before you sic the Boogeyman on her >:)

Movies made all little girls creepy. Too much tv! :P

daydreamer244 13

It's like how i sing the Freddy Kruger jingle to my 17 year old cousin and it scares the hell out of her.

Don't do that! That jingle terrified me for years! I couldn't go down the stairs at night without it playing in my head. Nightmare!

That's pretty scary, but I doubt it means anything. My boyfriend told me one morning that I was slowly and sinisterly counting in my sleep, and it frightened him.

onorexveritas 23
ohioain 18

Holy sh!t. That's too freaky