By Anonymous - 06/06/2013 18:47 - Isle of Man - Douglas

Today, my little sister was scared to sleep alone, so my parents made her sleep in bed with me. I barely slept, due to the utter terror of waking up to her chanting into my ear in a low whisper, "This is where you die, this is where you die..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 367
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have started chanting back: "you're going to counseling, you're going to counseling".

Did the television turn static and did she say "they're hereeeeeee"?


ballettillidie 8

...I'll go get the exorcist

Carry her to the couch in another room or the floor. Anywhere to keep you safe

titibug823 11

Pick her up, take her out of the room, go back in your room, close the door and lock it. If you cant lock it, put something in front of it, and tell your parents exactly what happened...

What if she attacked OP when picked up, that would also put OP in the wrong. I suggest an easier method of superglue and ductape. Apply glue to the hands and head, then put ductape around the legs, that way it can be put back on her aswell. (Plus can you imagine how funny it would be, even in horror movies, if they were confined like that?) I personally think about baby chucky, grunting and all, trying to walk with his legs together and his hands stuck to his head.

kim_larsa 5

Tickle her to death. This will lighten her up!

Another moment I'm grateful I'm the youngest.

I'm sorry, but I laughed for a bit and then got really scared after reading the FML. Make sure to not watch The Possession.

Back when I shared a room with my brother he would try to convince me I was adopted. Welcome to the wonderful world of siblings.

BellaBelle_fml 23

When I was 6 my older brother had me convinced that he had a twin that lived in the basement and would switch places every other day, lol.