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By Anonymous - 24/01/2017 12:00

Today, my lovely boyfriend decided to make grilled cheese on his own for the first time in months. Apparently, within that time span he forgot that plastic doesn't go well with prolonged heat. Goodbye favorite pan and spatula. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 727
You deserved it 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alup132 22

All the hate from others aside, I think it's good that he tried to cook, but perhaps doesn't have much experience and made a mistake. Maybe you can teach him how to cook some foods, it could be a cooking date or something.


Fireant_man 6

So you are dating a idiot don't have kids with him

Alup132 22

All the hate from others aside, I think it's good that he tried to cook, but perhaps doesn't have much experience and made a mistake. Maybe you can teach him how to cook some foods, it could be a cooking date or something.

When I was a little kid I used to microwave them, I do not recommend this because it's not good haha. Also, they make these bags you can put the sandwich together in and cook in toasters.

jcash52426 5

Ok, I'm sorry but what adult doesn't understand the basic concept of plastic + heat = hell on earth?

What did he do to ruin it? Leave the spatula on the pan for too long?

shepardkinz 19

I hope he offered to buy you new ones!

if it's in a pan it's fried, not grilled. if it goes under the grill it's grilled. but if it goes under the grill there is no pan involved. so how did he reck your pan making grilled cheese, that's like recking your microwave with a roast turkey.

tantanpanda 26

You clearly don't have a firm grasp on how things work. When you melt plastic onto the pan (polymers), it doesn't exactly come off with soap and water. Your analogy is the true wreck.

u clearly didn't understand what I was saying. it doesn't matter what has melted to the pan or how u try to clean it, he was using a grill you don't need a pan at all!

Grilled cheese in America is usually done on a pan though

cootiequeen4444 11

it sucks that things ended this way but at least he tried to cook his own sandwich and wasn't laid back on a easy chair yelling at you to "make [him] a sammich" because he just "doesn't know how". It's a forgivable offense. well upon him realizing he maybe ****** up and needs to buy you a new pan and spatula. though on that note, a /favourite/ pan and spatula? Really? I guess if you are an avid cooker this maybe makes sense (though I'd feel you'd have multiple of your "favourites" then) but I feel that statement is just being a little over dramatic no?

Arokthis 21

I feel your pain. My fiancee used a metal spatula on the ONLY non-stick pan in the house, scratching the hell out of it in the process. It's no longer non-stick.