Mind your own business, lady
By Anonymous - 12/06/2013 16:47 - United States - Trenton
By Anonymous - 12/06/2013 16:47 - United States - Trenton
By ej6901 - 23/06/2015 20:00 - United States - Ventnor City
By ApolloandDixie - 23/12/2009 06:17 - United States
By notapetkiller - 26/07/2016 06:12 - United States - New Hyde Park
By GoodDog - 09/09/2009 13:21 - United States
By stupid useless criminal - 21/11/2017 19:00
By agstadra - 08/12/2010 15:24 - Canada
By Chyna - 04/12/2024 15:00 - United Kingdom - Manchester
By anon - 01/07/2011 19:22 - United States
By baddoggy - 17/10/2010 08:13 - United States
By puppylove - 20/10/2012 07:16 - United States
Yea, I agree with #1 and sue the **** out of her if she caused any damage to your car! My dog has severe desperation anxiety and has to go EVERYWHERE with us, so he has to stay in the car a lot of the time, but we either leave the windows cracked if its under 10 minutes or run out and start the car every 15 minutes or just leave the car running with the AC cranked. Most people take better care of their dogs than their dogs.
86, people take better of their dogs than their dogs? o_o
86,99- Yeah I'm one of those people that take better of my dog than my dog.
don't you mean seperation anxiety?
like smashing OPs car window like a ******* idiot wasn't just as selfish, and just a tad rude?
Her heart was in the right place though, she saw a dog alone in a car, clearly didn't think about anything besides getting it out. Simply asking enough to repair would be the mature thing to do and if she refuses then bring in the law, do whatever you want. ^_^
Just 86 that whole comment.
Don't get me wrong, 180, but you have to be a ******* idiot to not realize that the dog is not being overheated and that the car is turned on.
She probably just scared OPs dog, good work stupid lady. Good intentions but it would be obvious if the car was still running.
I get the fact you shouldn't leave them for an hour in summer, but the fact you can't now leave the for 5 minutes is getting ridiculous. I now worry people will get shirty when I'm nipping into a toilet or paying for petrol.
I once had my dog tied up outside the supermarket (I was only inside for about 15 minutes, buying bloody dog food) and when I came back out my dog was gone, and there was a note tacked to the pole saying "I waited hours for you to come back, but I couldn't stand it any longer, I suggest you think more carefully about your dog's possible feelings of abandonment next time" and a phone number that turned out to be the tip-line for the ASPCA.
@104 That's horrible. Did you ever get your dog back?
what the flying **** #104. thats terrible. what happened after that?
I had to call the cops and give them the note, but for some unknown reason they were unwilling to believe he had been dog-napped, and thought I wrote the note myself! Eventually they checked the supermarket security camera's, but we had no idea who or where she was until a checkout girl spotted her coming into the store a few months later having tied my dog up outside!! She gave me a call and I was waiting outside to collect Cedric, needless to say the evil old hag denied all knowledge and claimed this was 'Sprinkles' I've never wanted to punch someone quite so much in my life, however as soon as I called the cops in front of her she hurried off home minus sprinkles! This is what I get for shopping at Whole-Foods I guess.
I'm not surprised, I would have been furious myself. I'm just glad you got your dog back.
So am I, as is my 3 year old son who was heartbroken when he went missing! He's very jealous because he thinks that Cedric was 'on holiday' for all that time.
Damn, I should have submitted it!
She wanted to be a righteous ******* hero, goddamn I hate people who pull that shit when they don't know what they're doing. Suggestion: If any of you end up having to leave your dog/child/grandparent locked in a car for a few minutes, leave a note in the windshield saying "BACK IN 5 MINS- A/C IS ON" to try and warn off the dipshit wannabe superheros.
Did you go Inhumane on her?
OP is lucky that the woman did not take off with their car and the dog.
When right-mindedness goes wrong
People these days think it's such an issue to leave a dog in a car for ten-fifteen minutes. Shit, when I was younger Id get left in the car for a half an hour or so, with the dog, and we both turned out fine.
One time this lady came up to me just as I parked and banged on my window (while I was on the phone)! She insisted that I trade parking spots with her because mine was in the shade. She explained how her dog needed it while she shopped, which was reasonable. However she then demanded I give her what she wanted because "she was a former astronaut, so I needed to respect her". People these days...
38 - He wasn't looking for condolences from people about his parents leaving him in the car, he's just pointing out there's nothing wrong with it unless its smoldering outside and animals are left in for ridiculous amounts of time. Little doggy should be good in the back seat for 15 minutes.
#74 exactly. I'm also saying what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and if your taking your dog out it's probably a lot happier getting a fun car ride even if it has to sit in the car for a bit than it would be waiting home alone. And I'm a she :).
was it the same astronaut that drove to Orlando wearing diapers to pepper spray the girlfriend of the man she wanted?
I can see where she's coming from but since the air was running that just makes her a total douche. Like #1 said, I would sue her for damages
To be fair, she didn't really have any way of knowing that the air conditioning was on. But yes I would sue or press charges or something
You've obviously never been outside of a running vehicle.. its loud. you can tell when the air is on.
How would she not know the air conditioner was not on? I would think that would be why the car was running.
car is on =/= air conditioning is running one might ASSUME it was, but how do you know for sure?
Well let's take a moment to think about this. Usually, there's this great little button labeled "AC" that lights up when it's on. The lady could have taken a few seconds to look at it before she decided to try and wreck OP's car. Ever think of that?
To be honest, no, I didn't
why the **** are you still thumbing me down? I ******* conceded, the woman was in no way justified in smashing OP's window. what the **** is wrong with you? is this just another instance of mob mentality taking over? goddamn I hate this community. end rant, bury comment, whatever.
I regret posting the previous comment now
Dude...just walk away
95-I would regret it too, that was pretty pathetic. Besides, your entire point is moot for the simple fact that she jumped to conclusions without thoroughly evaluating the situation. If I see a baby by itself in a car, I'm not going to automatically assume "BABY IN DANGER! QUICK, SOMEONE ALERT THE AUTHORITIES WHILE I SMASH IN THE WINDOW!" First, I'll see if the windows are cracked for ventilation. If it's hot to the point that open windows make no difference, then I'll see if the parents/guardians are in the immediate vicinity. If not, then and only then will I alert officials. And even then, unless the child/pet is in immediate mortal danger, I'm not going to play the ******* hero and smash in a window--potentially causing more harm than helping--and try and reach them. I'll get the **** out of the way and let the professionals do their jobs. So no, there is no justifiable reason why that woman should've been caving in OP's window, especially if they were gone for such a short amount of time. EDIT: Shit, that ended up being a longer response than I intended. TL;DR: Though the woman may have had good intentions, she should've evaluated the situation better before reacting how she did.
Someone getting butt hurt over being down voted to oblivion always puts a smile to my face. Everyone has their bad moments when commenting, but to rage about it is one of the most pitiful things.
I'm guessing she didn't see the puddle of water coming out from under the car...
fuzz... put your hand on the window. if it's cold (or more cold than the outside air temp), the ac is on.
She was outside of the car, there was no possible way of knowing except for the car running. In which she was worried about the dog so she probably didn't Even care.
You probably didn't have it on cool enough for the dog. If you set it to 78 degrees F or higher, you are a cruel master!
Or 22, people got the sarcasm and they didn't like it.
implying that it's possible to convey sarcasm through text alone
key word: "attempting"
you know, watching people make grammatical mistakes correcting someone gets me all happy I'm not as stupid. and the paragraph is ironic for you two who didn't understand
103- You didn't capitalize any of the words at the beginning of your sentences. So stop acting "holier than thou".
First DocBastard and now perdix! What is happening to the world!?
Some people don't have common sense. Just make her pay for the damages.
Call the Police. Get her for damages.
Sure. Call the police. It is against the law in most places to leave animals in the car. It is also against the law (in some jurisdictions) to leave your car running unattended. It increases the likelihood of theft.
Haha, don't know where you live buddy but none of those are illegal. Saying it's illegal to leave your car running unattended is like saying it's illegal to leave your wallet at a bar. Increases likelihood of theft? What are you on?
Its illegal to leave the car on unattended in alaska. But they give you leeway if its cold enough that you wouldn't be able to turn it back on.
You know I've heard that but I've never once had a cop say anything and I've watched plenty of cops do it.
82, are you TRYING to be a complete douchenozzle? It is illegal in a lot of places to leave your dog in the car alone and to leave your car running, unattended. I know for a fact that is is illegal in the state of Tennessee to leave your dog in the car unattended because it gets hotter than balls there. Maybe you should look it up before making a complete ******** out of yourself.
In Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio (and possibly other states) it is illegal/you can be cited for leaving your car running unattended. Know your facts before you say someone is wrong.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayI've also heard if dogs are left out in a car during a sunny day too long they'll spontaneously combust! OP, you're so inconsiderate! Dogs have feelings too!
love the picture 52 XD
Tbh, I could never leave my dog in a running car because I'd be too scared that someone would steal my car (and my dog). :(
Really? So, if I took one of my 5 pets to the vet which is a fair distance away from my home, actually in the city just outside the town I live in, then have to go pick up my kids at daycare and school in the since the vet appointment was right before I had to pick up my children, what would you suggest I do? Or if I had to go get dog or cat food after or other such things??? I leave them in the suv with the ac or heat on depending on the weather, with the temperature set, and lock the doors. I have a code to enter my vehicle so no problems on that end. Cats would be in a kennel so not roaming freely. The mastiff at very back of vehicle so unable to roam to front and accidentally do anything to move vehicle, chihuahuas just sleep on the seats. So animal cruelty? No. Taking care to ensure they have comfort in temperature settings if I have to do an errand, and only do this if I have no other choice because I really do not like leaving them in my vehicle, the hair, the slobber, and in the mastiffs case, the slobber, the hair and the farts. Sometimes you have to bring them with you and you do what you can to keep them safe. Like the OP did. Pretentious judging much?
That lady was pretty inhumane for leaving her probable 20 dogs alone while smashing your window in
make that cats.
Probably orphans she stole
Sue her for damages and call the police!
Lol she really thought she was saving the dog.