By perfecttiming - 06/05/2013 15:25 - United States - San Jose

Today, my manager called me in to tell me I got the promotion I've been hoping for. He then said that since I didn't look excited about it he might have to rethink it. I was too busy concentrating on holding in diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 639
You deserved it 4 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

You could've just let it go and said you were so excited you shit your pants.

nothing92x 13

At least you didn't crap yourself with excitement!


titibug823 11

Just tell him that its not that you werent excited, but that you werent feeling well.

As Eddie Izzard says, diarrhea is the cure to boredom. Because it's always a heart racing moment when you are trying to hold in diarrhea.

Kuhu1993 21

Hey dont sweat it , just tell him that you weren't well and that you are indeed very excited about the promotion. plus he would never replace you just because you didn't seem 'excited'.He knows you're worth the job and that's why you got it at the first place

spyk3r_so_fly 2

you don't deserve it but maybe you shouldnt have picked up the phone while on the

OP wasn't on the toilet, he was at work. Try reading a little more carefully next time.

try explaining to him?? hope for your sake he didnt reverse the promotion..

beachbum_101 16

Shit happens. No pun intended.

If excitement and excrement are the same thing for you then I'm not sure what to tell you.

Your boss is an immature jerk...but you know that already I would think?