By perfecttiming - 06/05/2013 15:25 - United States - San Jose

Today, my manager called me in to tell me I got the promotion I've been hoping for. He then said that since I didn't look excited about it he might have to rethink it. I was too busy concentrating on holding in diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 639
You deserved it 4 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

You could've just let it go and said you were so excited you shit your pants.

nothing92x 13

At least you didn't crap yourself with excitement!


Poor OP :( you deserve the promotion for not taking the day off! You are a trooper.

More like a super dooper pooper scooper.

This is an FML boss we're talking about. Do something over the top to get his attention. An overly-dramatic Facebook post about how excited you were to get the promotion will fix it. Unless you get fired for posting work-related stuff on Facebook...this is why I don't give advice.

Yes he obviously gave the guy diarrhea

I dunno. That chocolate he shared with him earlier didn't quite taste right.

What if he started cracking shit jokes like. "You probably don't give a shit." Or, "Your pay is crap." Oh and like, "Your salary is going down the toilet."

debbster7 18

You could've just told you boss you were ill.

been there. just ask if you can be excused

I guess look of desperation does not equal look of excitement.

You mean you don't look excited when you are faced with the prospect of pooping publicly and in, probably, large runny quantities? Each to their own, I guess.

Just tell him you were letting the announcement sink in.

Dang, that must have been tough;) or soft... And liquidy>.