By thestudent - 18/02/2011 09:30 - Philippines

Today, my math teacher brought his laptop to tally up all our scores for our report card. He then displayed the results on a big screen in front of the whole class. The ones who failed were marked yellow. I was the only one marked yellow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 676
You deserved it 20 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Show him how wrong he is. Solve this problem 1 Fries + 1 Drink + Burger X Supersize =? Don't know the answer? Well, best start figuring it out... your new career will rest upon answering such questions day in, day out.


#99 your obvious sarcasm wasn't all that obvious and your 'joke' was in no way funny . #100 hahaha win!!

katelyn92507 1

Of course this couldn't be in the US. Teachers can't do anything that would hurt our feelings. We're a bunch of *******.

most colleges and universitys dont let fails in so you should try hard in the years coming to get in their is still hope

I thought it was illegal for teachers to show other students your grades..

varkey 7

Honestly, all the people who are suggesting careers that don't deal with math because you are failing shouldn't be so quick to assume that you will never be good at math, OP. I had a teacher in sixth grade who was one of the worst teachers I ever had in my entire life and she was my math teacher. Some teachers shouldn't teach and it isn't your fault if your teacher doesn't take the time to try other ways to show you how to do math or understand it. I failed math in 6th grade for awhile until I had my parents talk to her about her horrible teaching style and then I barely passed with a D. Funny how the very next year with a new teacher I passed with an A in math. It depends on the teacher. Don't get lose hope. Just get through this. It doesn't mean you won't succeed.

what a jerk I hope he gets fired, I had the worst math teacher in 7th grade

Fruitmonster2 15

BIG ******* DEAL OP. GOD. *rant over*

Mi24hind 0

I feel your pain. Something like that happened to me before.