By seriously - 24/05/2013 07:04 - United States

Today, my mom accused my cat of being a "manipulator", and said that we should get rid of him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 744
You deserved it 4 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's a little much for people to be calling other animals "manipulators". We're clearly much more manipulative species than they will ever be.


Dude, get an owl. We just watch you. And watch you. and watch you.

kaitlynnn95 10

Cats are like that. They use their cuteness to give them what they want.

"Day 380: the elder of my prey has called me out on my plans to hunt her and her offspring. When i strike i must be swift and silent to avoid retaliation. For now i will sit atop the door and continue to plot their downfall." -Cat

Cats actually are highly manipulative. They don't naturally vocalise with each other (save for threatening yowls). They've learnt to meow at humans because the sound is similar to a baby's cry, and so we instinctively give them attention, food, whatever. Crafty little *****.

RedPillSucks 31
edvin_fml 10

i accuse you of poor sentence structure ('accused my cat [...] that we should get rid of him')

Sounds like your mom has manipulating people into thinking she's a rational, intelligent person for years!

The irony when she's trying to manipulate you to abandon your cat but calling it a manipulator. Mani-ception?

You better keep that cat, screw what your mom says

Perception 6