By asausa - 04/05/2013 23:26 - United States - Springfield

Today, my mom came back from a major surgery. She also had a yeast infection. I had to push the applicator in because she couldn't bend down. This cannot be unfelt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 272
You deserved it 3 377

asausa tells us more.

Hi! OP here- I didn't realize this was ever published and I finally bothered logging back into my account after 2 years. I'm a girl- so it was less traumatic than it would have been if I was a boy. For those wondering, my mom had her uterus removed , so you can bet she couldn't bend down to put it up. The doctor said the cream was better than the pill so hence that's how I ended up there ...

Top comments


This is major props, Rns have to nasty crazy shit in a hospital all day, so think of it as a medical perspective and not so much yucky mom infection!

LPN's and health care aides do a lot more of the gross stuff than RN's

I feel really bad for you. I hope she is able to bend tomorrow. If not... well good luck. *note from what I kniw you have to do this for 3 days

This sounds like a great opportunity to get something u want down the road...

cmb8280 24

Omg omg omg omg omg - Now I can't get the visual out of my head. For the record, there are prescription meds that are taken orally than she could have gotten. So... Yea. She made you touch her hooha and it was completely unnecessary. F. Y. L.

Just remember op.. You came out of that already! Think happy thoughts!!

...I'm guessing that a yeast infection isn't likely to kill anybody, right? Why couldn't she have just waited to treat it? Or bought an (alternative) formulation? Even so, you can still use those things lying down. Or even standing up. I don't see why 'she can't bend over' precludes her from using the damn thing.

obviously you don't know the horror of a Yeast Infection. i've never had one, but my friend used to be an exotic dancer and all the non-breathable sexy panties she used to wear gave her them. she told me it's like nothing you can imagine, burning AND itching, like someone stuffed your genitals with bleach, and it's not just when you pee like with a Urinary Tract Infection, you can barely move because each time there's any sort of movement near the genitalia the burning and itching gets even more intense. when i asked her what it felt like, she actually closed her eyes, shuddered, and said "oh god don't ever get one".

Times like this I'm glad I have a penis.

I'm curious as to what kind of surgery the mom had that rendered her unable to insert the applicator herself. Bending over (the excuse given in the FML) is not a prerequisite for being able to use a tampon, which could probably even be accomplished while lying down (though I've never tried that) without imparting momentum or pressure to any other part of the body. I would imagine the mechanics of this FML to be quite similar, so I'm a bit skeptical that OP's mom was truly helpless to complete this task herself.

Agreed. I think it'd definitely be possible to insert a tampon laying down. So this should be quite similar to that I imagine. But FYL OP, look forward to your amazing birthday/christmas presents this year though haha.

There are loads of surgeries that can cause you to not be able to do that, e.g. abdominal surgery. I highly doubt that both parties would go through such an awkward and embarassing ordeal if it wasn't really necessary!

Um... Canesten comes in oral form too. Even so, she spent the first few years wiping your ass and other unpleasant tasks that mothers must do. I'm sure you were the last person she wanted to ask when it comes to vaginal insertions. You gotta do what you gotta do :-)

seniorchang 16

FYML. That's right. Your mom had it worse than you did. I wait with bated breath to read her account of this stinky situation!

NodakN8V 25

We have something in common then because I can't unread this. Yuck.