By asausa - 04/05/2013 23:26 - United States - Springfield

Today, my mom came back from a major surgery. She also had a yeast infection. I had to push the applicator in because she couldn't bend down. This cannot be unfelt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 272
You deserved it 3 377

asausa tells us more.

Hi! OP here- I didn't realize this was ever published and I finally bothered logging back into my account after 2 years. I'm a girl- so it was less traumatic than it would have been if I was a boy. For those wondering, my mom had her uterus removed , so you can bet she couldn't bend down to put it up. The doctor said the cream was better than the pill so hence that's how I ended up there ...

Top comments


Doctors don't prescribe monistat, it's an over the counter yeast infection treatment, and doctor would have given her an oral medication

jlujan00_fml 9

Ewwwwwwwwww Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

We all thought it but only you said it. Congratulations on being special!

I read this post, then when looking to see if it was a boy or girl OP, I read 'Virginia' as '******'...

rokolodo 10

Very important to know. R u a 35 yr. old guy that leaves with his mom? A twelve yr old girl? A twelve yr old boy would really suck big balls. It would give me nightmares.

illkatt09 9

#75, some doctors do prescribe nystatin, which isn't an oral medication. It's the same as the cream monistat that comes in the tube.

Well at least you care enough to help her when she needs it. And I am sure you will see worse in your life.

MiloBear 11

I had a similar dilemma when my sister had abdominal surgery and was prescribed suppository painkillers (apparently they're stronger than oral ones). She couldn't bend enough to stick it in so she asked me. I told her I just couldn't do it and she somehow managed to get it in herself.

That frightens me. But one day my mother is going to be elderly and may need help like that in her every day life. Hope your mom recovers nicely from her surgery and her....infection goes away, OP!

lifestory2 5

I would do that for my mother in a heartbeat. Good for you. Are you male or female?