By clementine8 - 14/02/2009 06:23 - United States

Today, my Mom came to pay me a short visit at college. She handed me some flowers, which were a Valentine's Day gift, because she "figured I wouldn't be getting any from anyone else this year." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 528
You deserved it 2 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spencer_fml 0

My little brother's birthday is on Valentines Day, so when we were younger my mother would also buy me a gift so I wouldn't be the only one left out lol. Just appreciate it =)


TheSchoolBoy 4

I feel like I just read my fortune cookie.

If she was joking I can see the humor but if she was serious you should let her know that her comment was not appreciated.

I am the Lorax i speak for the trees. The trees say ******* savage.

EmDizzle2007 28