By iGreen - 09/07/2011 14:34 - Canada

Today, my mom cooked her dog some potatoes, carrots, beef, rice and peas. She cooks better food for her dog than she will for our family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 544
You deserved it 3 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3

"No children, don't feed the dog dog food, he needs to eat his people food right now"


cheerleader1011 0

I think she loves the dog more..

start learning to cook and when your mom tries to eat some say she can eat the dogs food.

my mother inlaws dog gets steak while her husband eats a bologna sandwich!

Most of those ingredients listed are in dog food anyway, so I don't see the big deal.. My neighbor used to do the same, cause he didn't want to buy dog food.

in soviet russia, dog feeds YOU scraps

txgirl09 5

Yeah, that sounds about right. Our dog eats better than we do, but he also has an exceptionally sensitive stomach that we try to appease. Not to mention neither me or my mom will go to the doctor unless we absolutely have to, but all hell breaks lose when our dog so much as sneezes funny. It's because we know he can't exactly speak for himself and tell us where it hurts or how bad he feels and he can't pick his own diet. And don't even get me started on when we had a sugar glider. That little guy ate ridiculously well (they require super serious attention to their nutrition). PS. Maybe mom has a legit reason for not wanting to cook for the family (like oh I don't know..working a 40+ hr work week and then coming home to a dirty house she has to clean..)

Make great dinner for family, give her canned dog food. Profit.

dangerinthehalls 0