By iGreen - 09/07/2011 14:34 - Canada

Today, my mom cooked her dog some potatoes, carrots, beef, rice and peas. She cooks better food for her dog than she will for our family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 544
You deserved it 3 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3

"No children, don't feed the dog dog food, he needs to eat his people food right now"


this is almost exactly like an episode of its me or tte dog episode i saw

this is almost exactly like an episode of its me or tte dog episode i saw

this is almost exactly like an episode of its me or tte dog episode i saw

that sucks. eat some of the food your mom cooks foe the dog? or start cooking your own meals and don't share.

porterc16 0

maybe the dog is good in bed

porterc16 0

haha sorry I'm just really bored& wanted to see the replies to that haha :)

SexKitten18 0

you should have just stopped at "Today, my mom cooked her dog. FML" :P

Sounds like the tables are turned! Dog gets people food and people get dog food!

At least the dog can't cook for itself. Since you're on this site, I assume you're a teenager, which means you CAN cook for yourself, or at least help your mom. So stop complaining and don't expect your mother to do everything for you, because you are not a dog.

Make your own food, or steal the dog's. Only advice I have.