By fatpooch - 13/05/2010 06:01 - Canada

Today, my mom decided our whole family is going on a diet. Why? Because the vet told us our dog is overweight, and she "didn't want Twix to suffer alone." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 727
You deserved it 4 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

or maybe you're fat and she doesn't want to break it to you

Your dog's name is Twix. Highly unlikely any diet will be successful for you lot.


Ollie21 0

You're a family with a dog named "Twix." Need I say more?

Kishona 0

I cannot stand people like your mother.

JewelVictoria 0

his. name. is. TWIX! you must be fatasses..

Man, and they say us cat ladies are nuts...

Not really an fml It'll be good for you ;p

jasper456 0

ur famliy must be fat nameing dog twix need a moment have twix ur proply a puppy eater

no ******* way. I named my cat twix :)