By fatpooch - 13/05/2010 06:01 - Canada

Today, my mom decided our whole family is going on a diet. Why? Because the vet told us our dog is overweight, and she "didn't want Twix to suffer alone." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 727
You deserved it 4 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

or maybe you're fat and she doesn't want to break it to you

Your dog's name is Twix. Highly unlikely any diet will be successful for you lot.


austinocappucino 0

you named the friggin dog twix!!!

Everyone is assuming the OP is actually fat. If they're already at a healthy weight and active but wants to eat what they want.... yes fyl. The mom is probably the fat one and just doesn't want to diet alone or make herself a different dinner. Which is understandable, just don't lie about it.

thankyou #31.. what if the op isn't fat and pretty much what 31 said and maybe ops mum is just..weird. haha

Thin people need to eat healthy too. Fatness isn't the only health problem caused by a crappy diet!

50 -- that's totally true. I'm skinny but (somewhat bizarrely) have high cholesterol. ...Of course, after finding out I made an effort to eat healthy for a while then started eating crap again, but...

Yes to the eating healthy thing, but not all diets are healthy. The word "diet" implies short term eating habit changes until a desired outcome is achieved. Which usually involves intense calorie restriction for one. 1500-2000 calories a day is the average needed for most females (BMR plus factor in activity) while diets can have as low as 500. That's not even including that we do need some fat consumption and cutting that out is detrimental.

TrillionHearts 0

then she must think you all are fat too and thats her excuse to make you all go on a diet. lol

ydi for callin it twix I luv those twix bars

LiveLaughLove18 0

Well at least its a positive thing? There's nothing wrong with eating healthy (:

mrzero 0
perdix 29

Maybe if you took the dog out for exercise, you'd get some, too, and both of your fat asses might slim down a bit. Do what I do: Take your dog with you to Weight Watchers. I'm made my goal, but she is struggling. She really likes the group support, though. I still don't know how one gets fat on a steady diet of Purina Dog Chow. For me, the recommended portion is quite satisfying. ;)

clearly only fat ppl name there dogs after chocolate bars...