By fatpooch - 13/05/2010 06:01 - Canada

Today, my mom decided our whole family is going on a diet. Why? Because the vet told us our dog is overweight, and she "didn't want Twix to suffer alone." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 722
You deserved it 4 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

or maybe you're fat and she doesn't want to break it to you

Your dog's name is Twix. Highly unlikely any diet will be successful for you lot.


The reasoning may be a bit off, but so what? There's nothing wrong with your mom proposing a plan that might get your family in a little better shape. There are two ways of looking at this, either you can comply with the diet and eat healthy for a while, or you can cheat and eat with your friends and sneak junk food. In my opinion, you should just get over your gut reaction and give it a try. Your mother would appreciate it, and it's not going to kill you. Just look at the bright side instead of being such a Negative Nancy.

Awww that bites. I'm an animal lover and I feel sorry for the dog, but this is taking it too far. I doubt the dog will even notice if its owners are going on a diet. What's she going to do if you refuse? Maybe eat a little healthier but you don't have to go to extremes. Refuse to do it.

VenusBlue 0

Eating healthy is good :) don't bitch. Second,tell your mom dogs eat their own vomit,Twix doesn't give a rats ass what he's eating! This ones hard,either your life sucks for having a ditzy mom or you deserve it for not telling your mom that you aren't gunna take that shit.

Your family probably needs a diet anyway. Even if it was only for naming your dog after a candybar.

I just had another thought... take all the diet crap your mom is fixing and putting on the table, walk the plate to the dog's bowl, and scrape it in. Tell her that since the food is so damned healthy, then Twix should lose plenty by eating it. Meanwhile, until you start seeing Twix losing weight by eating the nasty shit, you're not going to believe it. Then throw a frozen pizza in the oven. :)