By izu - 16/09/2011 05:40 - United States

Today, my mom decided to only speak to me through our pet cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 210
You deserved it 2 756

Same thing different taste


salvorican 24
Senior29 8

bark back, it'll scare her away ;)

perdix 29

Amateur ventriloquists can be quite annoying, especially when you can see their lips move. This is particularly disturbing for the OP since his mom is talking through her pussy.

Buttsexpirate 9

Mr. Tinklebottoms please tell my child that I am crazy. Oh and to take out the trash. Go mr. Tinklebottoms! Away!

qhostred 0

Solution: decide to only speak to her through your pet dog

leadman1989 15

Especially troubling, when you consider the cats only method of communication is to jump on your face and try to claw your eyes out.

I don't understand how that's possible, but your mom's weird.

jerico616 14
Sabraynay 10

Gives a whole new definition to the term, "crazy cat lady."