By Shelbitchh - 28/07/2011 09:11 - United States

Today, my mom decided to take away my TV after noticing that I watch the show True Blood. Apparently, since I watch this, I must be "curious about sex." I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 759
You deserved it 5 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RebornProblem 0
mismonroe 0

Correct her; you are not curious, you're actually quite the pro.


zacharytk72 5

Remind her about your age then.

chaoticnh 0

I can understand two identical posts, but three? shit balls

zacharytk72 5

Remind her about your age then.

zacharytk72 5

Remind her about your age then.

mdizzl 6

if you were really curious about sex, I don't think a vampire tv show is what you would be watching...just a thought

HBO, making 19 year olds curious about sex.

You know, most university halls of residence kick people out in late June, and they don't open until September. No-one wants to camp out in a cardboard box outside the SU, so living at home is a reasonable option.

YDI for living with your mom at 19. Get a home, get a life, and stop watching bad TV shows.

I'd take your TV away, too. True Blood is an awful show.

Xx_Dakota_xX 1
bettyc4 26
kings1fan 6

How about this! I've never even heard about it! hahaha I just know it's about LAME vampires based on all the comments!

Find someone who's gone through puberty who isn't the tiniest bit curious about sex, even if only in a purely academic sense, and I'll buy them a biplane that can go to Mars.

MsMeiriona 2

Looks like I'm off to Pigfarts! (It's on MARS. you need a rocket ship.)

Lol, I watch that show with my mom and I'm 17. Good show.