FML for mobile
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By tbeemcgeebee - 01/08/2010 05:05 - United States

Today, at 2 am on a Saturday, I purposely updated my Facebook status from my iPod so people will see that I posted from a 'mobile device' and think I'm out at a bar having a life, instead of sitting at home on my bed watching movies on my Netflix. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 926
You deserved it 33 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i dont rlly think tht is a fml it just means u have no life

mcleantrain 0

u will have friends some day don't worry!


i dont rlly think tht is a fml it just means u have no life

its_callie_bitch 0

hmmm looks like someone needs to get some.....friends

i stay home on saturdays sometimes no harm in that!..

its funny because you posted in the wrong website this is more a MLIA than an FML

ure fault completely. If u rlly wanted to "have a life," u wulda done sumthing bout it by now. but apparently u haven't

flapjacklux 8

awww you poor lonley bastard cheer up :D

it's funny because you are trying to make people think you have a life but you dont

chamd 0

I do too. 13 it's just another day


ydi for thinking a life can be found at the bar. i think you just need friends... we'll be your friends (:<

I never even look to see it it's off a moblie device or what not. who cares?

LightningLadyy 0

69, Thats what I was thinking.

jrod12391 1

so.. ppl tought u had a life afterwards?

rainbowsparkle 0

if you had a life and was actually having a good time at the bar you wouldnt be on facebook.

couldn't agree more #1 op why don't you go to the damn bar if you want to be there, if you don't want to then stop being a drama queen

well it would be an fml if OP had a life worth effing. lol I do stuff like that-- like when I cancel plans with someone I make fake statuses to cover up and make my lie look legit lol

I agree with 92! If you wanted to look like you were having a life than you shouldn't have updated your status at all. and secondly, people could care less whether the status comes from a mobile or not. Just Sayin'

20. grammar Nazi alert. really* that* you*

mcleantrain 0

u will have friends some day don't worry!

Loners can have friends. They're also usually introverted and like time to themselves more often.

lookatyou 0

I don't understand what's keeping you from going out?

LightningLadyy 0

Lack of communication with people face to face.

SirWhatsHisFace 0

Why would they automatically assume you were at a bar?

YDI for using Facebook. YDI for having an Ipod or any other crApple product. YDI for caring what other people think. YDI for having a bed. YDI for watching movies. YDI for using Netflix.

i dnt see how the name has any relevance to anything.

Don't believe him! He's just saying he loves you to get into your pants again! [edit: damn you, you've beaten me to it AGAIN]

andreezy273 0

if you're updating fb on your super cool hang out time then you have no life anyway

lookatyou 0

ahahahaha I'm a wanker! and you suck for caring what others think about you, tell them to screw off and **** a camel