By Shelbitchh - 28/07/2011 09:11 - United States

Today, my mom decided to take away my TV after noticing that I watch the show True Blood. Apparently, since I watch this, I must be "curious about sex." I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 764
You deserved it 5 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RebornProblem 0
mismonroe 0

Correct her; you are not curious, you're actually quite the pro.


aye_pee10 0


andoprime 4

your 19 and you let your mom take your tv, disgraceful.

if youre 19, you shouldnt be living at home. ever consider college?

kings1fan 6

Finally someone I agree with! I can't stand all these vampire shows and movies. What's all the Twilight movies based on vampires or something else?? I've never seen them.

Andresantio 0

I personally hate True Blood, but honestly, your mom is just plain retarded. I mean, I watch Breaking Bad, but that doesn't mean that I want to become a Meth cook.

johnpaul43 0

why do you live at home at 19 grow up

easy solution. move out you are 19. I had my own apt when I was 17. I was in college full time and had a part time job. I'm 21 now and still doing great!!!

why does your mom have control of your tv?

That is my favorite show. If she's concerned about something, shouldn't she be concerned that you might want to be a vampire?! That's usually what happens.