By Anonymous - 09/05/2014 23:57 - United States - Akron

Today, my mom got drunk and started crying, ranting about all the things she could have done in life if I hadn't been born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 444
You deserved it 4 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Just tell her Happy mothers day and walk away.

ChristianH39 30

She sounds extremely supportive and loving. But seriously OP if she wasn't ready to have you, and did, she has nobody but herself to blame. You didn't ruin her life, if she wasn't vacuous and self centered she would realize that she's the one who did that.


Be glad she chose to give you life Being a mom is hard having an a notion is easy

graphicstyle7 17

Well you're obviously old enough to be on this board, you're not exactly a toddler needing 24/7 care. Your mom needs to get over "missing" stuff in her life and get on with it. It's not your fault she is not happy with where she is now. When you were a little kid, sure, you probably held her back from doing things, that's what happens with little kids. What about now? She is out of excuses. Tell her to go do whatever she can to fulfill herself and stop blaming other people.

Let her know how much more successful in life you could be as well if you only had the support of a loving mother.

My mom has never said this to me but I know mine feels the same way. You're here for a reason so don't let her bring you down. Chin up my friend.

My sister said something similar to my niece. Niece came to me upset, I asked if she had been there holding her mother's legs open.

Remind her of this if you're not interested in having kids and she starts pestering you to provide grandchildren. And remember this when deciding whether you want to have kids.

My mom does that a lot even when shes sober

I am so sorry OP. But having you was HER decision, not yours. And at least I appreciate the fact that she did have you.