By Anonymous - 09/05/2014 23:57 - United States - Akron

Today, my mom got drunk and started crying, ranting about all the things she could have done in life if I hadn't been born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 444
You deserved it 4 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Just tell her Happy mothers day and walk away.

ChristianH39 30

She sounds extremely supportive and loving. But seriously OP if she wasn't ready to have you, and did, she has nobody but herself to blame. You didn't ruin her life, if she wasn't vacuous and self centered she would realize that she's the one who did that.


that's just a poor excuse for her not succeeding in life and wanting to blame someone else.

People say stupid things when their drunk. Hopefully she trurely doesn't feel that way about you.

most of times drunk words are sober peoples thoughts , just been drunk makes it easier for those thoughts to come out . but ops mum shouldnt be blaming op for her life and decisions ,she's the one that got pregnant and decided to keep op.

* being drunk makes it easier for those thoughts to come out .

Time to return the necklace you bought her for Mother's Day...

FMLworthy5000 21

You slapped her out of it right?

I'm sure she doesn't really think that....Deep down, she loves you!

I feel ya. My mom does the same thing but gets mad at herself for bringing my sister and I into the world.. Awkward

That's pretty crappy Op. But I'm sure your mom loves you and is grateful that she has you. All lot of people get older and wonder about all the "what ifs" in life. That doesn't mean she regrets having you, she probably just wished her other dreams could come true as well

Axel5238 29

Agreed people say dumb stuff, parenting limits what you are able to do and I doubt she regrets having the OP. More than likely stressed out due to other stuff and wondering about roads not taken doesn't mean she doesn't love the OP.

cryssycakesx3 22

I think at some point everyone regrets having kids.

I admire your optimism, 21 and 26, but I know a few who have admitted, under the influence of course, that if they could go back and do it all over again, they would have used (a) condom(s). The difference between them and OP's mother, though, is that they'd never tell their kids they regret having them.

what else could she have done if you weren't born? get drunk and knocked up by a different guy? tell her to shut up and suck it up.