By that_culinary_degree_though - 13/05/2014 02:46 - United States - Auburn

Today, my mom invited me over yet again so I could practice my culinary degree by making an exquisite, gourmet meal for her dog; a three year old Pomeranian who pees in my shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 372
You deserved it 5 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, make the dog part of the meal and call it a 'foreign delight'


People look more and more for quality food to give to their pets (especially dogs) so that could be the start of something for you! But for your shoes...ya, FYL!

Invite her and the dog to your house for dinner but only feed the dog :p

Just because she's your mum, doesn't mean you're her personal door mat. Tell her you'll only see her outside the home without the dog.

I hope she is paying you too make those dinners

I don't think your mum likes your cooking very much, since she wants it for her dog, or she loves her dog very much?

People are really getting into cooking for their dogs because it's healthier then most store bought dog foods but she could just learn to make things on her own no need to bother you really.... P.s. Pomeranians are brats even more so then chihuahuas I think.. hide your shoes when you go over... like in a closet maybe?

People these days obsess over thier dogs more than they should. In some cases they're even catered to better than the persons own children. Pets are great but theres a line.

Since she wants a gourmet meal for a dog, might as well make two meals. One for the dog and one for your mom!