By that_culinary_degree_though - 13/05/2014 02:46 - United States - Auburn

Today, my mom invited me over yet again so I could practice my culinary degree by making an exquisite, gourmet meal for her dog; a three year old Pomeranian who pees in my shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 372
You deserved it 5 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, make the dog part of the meal and call it a 'foreign delight'


mn204 13

Payback time! You can spit in his food for peeing on your shoes

feed that bitch ass dog something that gives it the runs. then leave . leave your shoes outside though. and feed your mom something that gives it diarrhea also and just wait for the phone calls and texts. and tell her "you treat me like shit so I gave you the shit you wanted" **** your mom

Serve the dog as part of the meal next time. I hate pomeranian's.

It's okay to say "no" in life. Even to your own mother :)

KatyLarae 13

If I was your mom, I'd invite you over to cook for me

Again? At this point I'm going to have to go with ydi for allowing her to treat you this way. You're clearly an adult, act like one and stand up for yourself.

Think of it this way...make the gourmet meal for the dog, make extra, then you get free dinner and time to experiment with food. Keep it up though, there's no industry like this! Work hard Chef =)

Your answer should always be, in future, "Fuqno"