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By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my mom revealed to me that when I was in Preschool, I used to get caught in the bathroom with little boys while I was feeling their "no no" area. I was giving hand jobs to boys before I could read. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 051
You deserved it 7 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were probably only doing it because you knew it was a taboo. It's kind of sad that a pre-school child would already have that impression. I literally blame society.


Today, my mom revealed to me that when I was in Preschool, I used to get caught in the bathroom with little girls while I was feeling their "no no" area. I was fingering girls before I could read. MLIG.

gigi_bella 0

I'm getting a sick image in my head of a little girl chewing gum, sitting on the sink, with little boys bribing her with cookies. 0.o

bridgette5866 0

Hahhahahhah #94, I have a feeling that's exactly how it went.

I didn't relize this was a girl. I thought it was a guy O.o

WazUpPeople 0

haha that's exactly what I was thinking

You were probably only doing it because you knew it was a taboo. It's kind of sad that a pre-school child would already have that impression. I literally blame society.

No offense to the OP, but I'll bet the mom knows more about why that behaviour got started.. and society ain't it.

well i guess its kind of a good thing. . ?

I doubt a child would know that what they were doing was something of a sexual nature...or even what is sexual nature...

I think it was curiousity since her "no no area" looked different and that is not only human, but also what children do. Touch what they don't know.

SweetestSin 4

LMAO you must be a professional by now

This is really funny but you're life isn't ******. Ever heard of Freud? Most little kids do these kinds of things when they are really young.

Freud was a sexist, cocain addict. His theories were flawed... Some, anyway.

he also said kids wanna bang their moms untill they are ten...

redsox4021 0
Dizkreet13 3

lmfao look at the guy in the background of 6

people who think psychology is nothing more them Freudian beliefs dont know diddle about pyschology

goq0123 6

Nearly all of Freud's theories have been disproven.

Ha I literally lol'ed! The last sentence completely made this FML!

perdix 29

Did you do it for free, or was there some kind of exchange demanded in return? In other words, did you make them trade your Ho-Hos for their Ding Dongs?

:O What a horrible trade. Ho-hos are much better.

A Ding Dong for a Ho-Ho? That's not a fair trade!