By bornfromhillbillies - 30/08/2015 03:02 - United States - Bourbonnais

Today, my mom saw a picture of the moon and asked me what "those big spots" were. She actually thought the craters were continents and tried correcting me when I told her what they were. Then I almost got into trouble for being disrespectful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 750
You deserved it 1 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you are not home-schooled OP!

Alrighty, time to anonymously spam her e-mail with zoomed in pictures of the moon accompanied by scientific explanations... and pray you got your wit from your dad's side..


Sometimes, parents will punish you for being right. The other day, my mom said Obama was born in kenya, and after I showed her the picture of his birth certificate, she grounded me from all electronics. I'm typing this from a public library.

That's some crazy stupid people out there.

If she so strongly believed they were continents, why bother asking you what they are when she was just going to say you were wrong? It looks like she was trying to answer her own question.

pointing out your ignored is not disrespect it's doing her a favor

Your username suggests that you may have been disrespectful about it. You don't have to humiliate someone to teach them.

A prime example of America's education system

I think you have one of those mothers who *must* be right about *everything*, simply because she's your mother. I have seen it numerous times... She can insist the sky is orange, and if you physically show her that the sky is blue, she will *still* insist it isn't. Sorry!

Please tell us that she doesn't know much about astronomy

Please tell us that she doesn't know much about astronomy...