By bornfromhillbillies - 30/08/2015 03:02 - United States - Bourbonnais

Today, my mom saw a picture of the moon and asked me what "those big spots" were. She actually thought the craters were continents and tried correcting me when I told her what they were. Then I almost got into trouble for being disrespectful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 750
You deserved it 1 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you are not home-schooled OP!

Alrighty, time to anonymously spam her e-mail with zoomed in pictures of the moon accompanied by scientific explanations... and pray you got your wit from your dad's side..


Hopefully you are not home-schooled OP!

Alrighty, time to anonymously spam her e-mail with zoomed in pictures of the moon accompanied by scientific explanations... and pray you got your wit from your dad's side..

Show her proof and correct her so she doesn't make that mistake in public or teach other the wrong thing.

Good thing she isn't your teacher ? Looks like education has taken a large step from when she was in school.

And this is the person who has control over your adolescent life... It's a scary thing

my mom didnt think dinosaurs were real .-.

My friend's mom is the one of those idiots who believed the "charge your iPhone in the microwave" gag. You really can't fix stupid.

Maybe your mom knows something we don't

missnuthin 10

my friends grandma didn't know Britain was an island...