By bornfromhillbillies - 30/08/2015 03:02 - United States - Bourbonnais

Today, my mom saw a picture of the moon and asked me what "those big spots" were. She actually thought the craters were continents and tried correcting me when I told her what they were. Then I almost got into trouble for being disrespectful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 750
You deserved it 1 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you are not home-schooled OP!

Alrighty, time to anonymously spam her e-mail with zoomed in pictures of the moon accompanied by scientific explanations... and pray you got your wit from your dad's side..


iPixelCheese 19

Your mom is a special kind of stupid, huh?

AviKerensky 17

Is this the same mom who grounded you for leaving the seat up?

My sincere apologies OP but that's a special kind of stupid and I am certain you will be able to distance yourself academically.

Soverain 15

It takes a special kind of mental gymnastics to ask someone a question they know nothing about and then trying to correct the person they asked.

Thinking it was made of Swiss cheese would actually be a step in the right direction for her.

Why would she even ask you a question if she didn't even think you were right?

Actually they're not craters, they're the lunar "seas" although they don't have water. The ancient Greeks assumed they were bodies of water which is how they get their name, but they were not formed by impact craters, rather through volcanic reactions underneath the moon's surface.

I hate people who ask questions and then get mad when you don't give the answer they want. FYL.

Are you the same one with the crappy drawings?