By bornfromhillbillies - 30/08/2015 03:02 - United States - Bourbonnais

Today, my mom saw a picture of the moon and asked me what "those big spots" were. She actually thought the craters were continents and tried correcting me when I told her what they were. Then I almost got into trouble for being disrespectful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 750
You deserved it 1 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you are not home-schooled OP!

Alrighty, time to anonymously spam her e-mail with zoomed in pictures of the moon accompanied by scientific explanations... and pray you got your wit from your dad's side..


Why do parents get so angry when they're proved wrong? :s hopefully she realised you weren't being disrespectful and was just trying to help her?

If she already knew what they were then why is she asking you?

How the hell is she gonna ask you what they are and then correct you when you tell her? She must be a new kind of stupid.

If people can grow up not knowing basic shit like this then there's a huge problem with our system.

No offense, but was your mom raised in the Middle Ages?