By Anonymous - 04/10/2013 03:36 - United States - Houston
Same thing different taste
By brbkillingmyself - 08/08/2015 22:52 - United States
By mymomsstupid - 29/06/2011 14:51 - United States
By cookie_lover_xx - 15/10/2015 06:24 - United States - Chandler
Alanis Morissette reference
By mei-ah - 12/06/2021 00:01
By beekie9 - 14/01/2009 14:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 06:24 - United States - Tucson
By Alberto - 07/10/2022 10:30
By bob - 05/02/2011 12:02 - United States
By heathen atheist - 17/09/2020 10:01
By DaoOfPow - 23/05/2015 07:51 - United States - Danbury
Top comments
I like to play 'guess which fml posts have the comments disabled.' I lost this one, for now.
I was pretty pissed when the comments got disabled on the "dinosaurs and humans" one the other day, I had a load of little-known scientific facts to post!
How can you prepare for the rapture. either you'll be raptured or you won't. OP, are you prepared to be left behind?
Never know it could happen anytime any place but if she's preparing she must be thinking she is not going she is staying or just saw the movie till the end with James Franco
The rapture is about to happen? Ugh! I need to go prepare then, I thought it was next year.
I'm not sure what the FML is here - is it that your mother follows a religion (in which case you can get your head out of your arse and learn to accept that) or that she believes in the Rapture, which is actually a well-founded biblical belief (to Christians anyway - it's a pretty prominent part of the New Testament), or that she's predicted a clear-cut date for it (in which case yeah, I'm with you on the FML). I feel I could really use some follow-up.
Tell her to put a sock in it! Matthew 24:36 NIV “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Maybe the Bible will convince her she is crazy...
Matthew 16:28- sure I tell you, some of you standing here shall not taste of death before seeing the son of man coming in his kingdom. He's 2000 years late
This nonsense again?
So many of the FMLs that people send in these days are really just whining, or exposes on just how stupid the OP is..."my gf thinks she deserves an ******" or "my date got POed at me just because I spent our whole date on my phone". Yours....well, it actually sucks pretty bad. Your mom is a moron, it's probably going to strongly affect your life, and there isn't going to be anything you can do about it. I feel for you, OP.

#9 False. Bill Clinton came more than 3 times in office alone
What rapture is it this time?