By period_probs - 16/12/2014 01:23 - United States - King George

Today, my mom told me how lucky I was to inherit her "asymptomatic" periods. It's true, I don't get cramps, bloating or mood swings with my periods. Nope, just excruciatingly painful diarrhea. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 527
You deserved it 3 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haliacc 17

If you've never had those symptoms you should consider yourself lucky! I know people who have all!


Diarrhoea is caused by the changes in prostaglandin levels, which also causes a lot of the other symptoms women get to different degrees before, during and after their period. So tell your mum that your periods are not asymptomatic. Getting bowel symptoms myself, I feel for you. If it's any comfort, it got better for me as I got older. People telling saying 'oh you are so lucky, when I have my period I bleed through 5 pads, get really bad cramps and then my leg falls off' are not helpful to OP. Women each have different bodies and experience different things. It's not a competition. Just give OP some commiseration and maybe helpful advice if asked for.

queenjordan777 3

Guess you have to use twice as much tampons...

imagineapc 11

oh my god. Please go take a sex ed class. The level of stupid in this one isn't meaurable...

Hey that seems to be a winning trade off to me!

Dang, that sucks. Once a month for the rest of your life (until middle age) you know that you'll be guaranteed to have painful diarrhea. Hate to be you OP.

honestly, I think I'd rather the diarrhea lol can't be worse than cramps

Did you miss the part about it being 'excruciatingly painful' diarrhea? Yes it can be just as bad if not worse than cramps. You get the agonizing bowel spasms along with sitting on the toilet forever. Then the excoriation of the skin meaning you sometimes have to use nappy rash cream on your butt. I usually get the trade off of cramps one period, diarrhea the next, and if I have been a very bad girl, satan brings both. I prefer the cramps, at least a hot water bottle and medication helps for that.

sierrami212 5

Advil helps with diarrhea. I'd rather have just diarrhea. My cramps cause me to both throw up and have diarrhea.

you are lucky. I know a lot of people, myself included, who the diarrhea is just an added bonus to the cramps, bloating, mood swings and the god awful period darts.