By anonymous.. - 03/09/2010 00:29 - United States

Today, my mom told me I was conceived on Halloween. She thought it would be funny to say "Let's just say your dad was not wearing his ghost costume." She then winked. I am now scarred for life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 116
You deserved it 4 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... grow up baby, ur parents ****! deal with it!

perdix 29

I'll bet the OP means "scarred" for life. Just another instance where some Internet dummy doesn't know that doubling a letter can change the whole meaning of a sentence. What a looser! So, Casper the Friendly Ghost wasn't wearing his raincoat when he entered Mom's dark, moist, scary haunted mansion!


DakotaCat 4

You could go as a sperm cell this year!

jadejazmyn 5

Oh get over it how do you think you got here the stork

angele727 0

I was conceived on Halloween too! My birthday is July 27. What about you?

soyeah_whatsup 4

TMI yes. FML I don't think so...