By Anonymous - 23/06/2009 05:28 - United States

Today, my mom went to a psychic. The reason? She has convinced herself that I'm gay, even though I've told her that I'm not and never have been. The psychic disagreed. Apparently, I'm bicurious with one of my guy friends. Guess who my mom believes? FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 857
You deserved it 3 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psychics are frauds. They only tell you what you want to hear

Wow... Your mom is a freak (no offense). Seriously? She goes to a phychic to find out if you're gay?? Even though you said you werent? I wonder what she would have done if the phychic said you were straight? Would she have consulted a nuerologist??


used3294 0

pfcstuck 2

Then get a girl so you can prove her wrong.

Kgpetosa 0

You should make Out with a girl in front of her ;)

TVKill3r 15

Probably wouldn't change much honestly, she'd probably just think it was a facade to throw her off or some other BS.

Eff your mom...she sounds stupid anyway. Do what you want to, and eventually she'll forget about it.

MissyKissy 0

Who does your mom think your "bicurious" about? Your dad?

RampagingBoner 12

HA! Wow that is some mother you have (no offense) but my sister thinks I'm gay so I know how you feel

Can someone who voted you deserved it explain their thinking to me I'm just curious