By SlickMcK - 05/06/2010 21:14 - United States

Today, my mother asked me if I'd heard of anal sex. Before I could fully process her question, she explained that it's dangerous because the tissues of the anus are finer and more susceptible to STDs. There were still forty minutes left in our car ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 524
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Tell her you need "a nap" and to turn off auto-correct on your iPhone.

perdix 29

You should ask her how Dad gives it to her. That will make the last 39 minutes of your ride silent . . . or more disturbing than the Blue Waffle.


mjolene 0

@ 117, I agree w/ u on everything but anal being ok for gays. being gay is NOT ok. something I wrong in your brain to want to have sex w/ another male. it is not natural.

Wait-- so anal sex is natural, but homosexuality isn't? WTF -__-

Starfire99 0

Umm, you CAN use a condom when doing anal you know. Unprotected sex is risky, whatever hole you're using at the time, for both people.

mjolene 0

yes anal sex is natural. it's natural to want to stick something in a hole. but no homosexuality is NOT natural by any means. it is vile, immoral, and wrong. something happened to these people that screwed them up in the head.

Starfire99 0

And your explanation for why Homosexuality rife throughout the Animal Kingdom is ...?

Angejolie 0

Anal sex causes hemorrhoids and increases your chances of anal cancer.

mjolene 0

you can try and justify homosexuality as much as you like and you can insult me and call me names for being "racist" or "ignorant", but there is nothing that anyone could say in the slightest that would offend me, as YOU (I.e. the gay community) are the ones that have something wrong in your brains. Does it not feel wrong to you?

Yes, gay people have something wrong in their brains, just like left-handed people, and dyslectic people, and people with an IQ of 150. But you know, that isn't bad or abnormal or strange. Blame Mother Nature. And don't forget that there are homosexual animals (for example, some apes do **** other female and male apes in all the holes they can find), just like there are left-handed animals. But yeah, there was a time when it was a sin to be left-handed, and that they were forced to write right-handed. That's history now, and I can't wait till the time homosexuals are seen equal to heterosexuals in every place of the world. Then I can tell my grandchildren about the time stupid people didn't accept them, and they would stare at me in disbelief. Jup, can't wait.

Starfire99 0

I'm assuming my last question was too difficult for you as you've seemingly sidestepped it with this dull as dishwater comment. Still I'll at least do you the courtesy of answering your question. No it doesn't feel wrong. I'm very much in love with the guy I met eight years ago and married three years ago. And no, there's nothing YOU can say that will ever convince me otherwise.

And why is my comment moderated? For Christ sake, there was nothing wrong with it. Was it because I said that homosexuals have something wrong in their brain, just like left-handed people, and that you can conclude that it's natural? Or was it because I used the word **** when I said that apes have sex with each other in every hole they can find? Or was it because I hope there comes a time when homosexuals are equal to heterosexuals? Really, don't moderate a post that's serious and not disrespectful. Come on.

she watched dr oz or whatever on tv a few days ago. I guarentee it