By SlickMcK - 05/06/2010 21:14 - United States

Today, my mother asked me if I'd heard of anal sex. Before I could fully process her question, she explained that it's dangerous because the tissues of the anus are finer and more susceptible to STDs. There were still forty minutes left in our car ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 524
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Tell her you need "a nap" and to turn off auto-correct on your iPhone.

perdix 29

You should ask her how Dad gives it to her. That will make the last 39 minutes of your ride silent . . . or more disturbing than the Blue Waffle.


lovinit5683 0

Ok, that isn't that bad she is just trying to ptotect u, geez #10 is a cutie(; both the dog and him;)

33- Once again I am surprised by what girls think is cute these days. No offense No.10. I know alot of girls and I don't think even 1 would think you are cute. They would love the dog though.

rawrcupcakesz 0

don't listen to Steve. He doesn't have a picture. And Steve why are you checking him out?

Awkward is an understatement here....

xtfauthorx 0

it depends.... is she offering?

justmyluck1212 0

This would be the perfect time to hint your gay

lovinit5683 0

#51 and I just love when people say things that offend people then say no offence..(sarcasm) Like you have any room to talk anyways, you don't even have a picture up of yourself.

"Oh noes! My mommy cares enough about me to try to provide guidance!!!" Boo F'n hoo. Stop whining.

SummerStorm_fml 0

Ugh I empathize with this... I hate when my mom brings shit like that up.

they talked about that on dr. oz this past week. I bet that's were she got the idea to talk to u about it!! ur mom has balls for being able to even talk to u about that shit!!

your mother knows what she is talking about...just use lube and enjoy...