By Brooke - 15/01/2013 05:45 - United States - Manteca

Today, my mother came back from her trip to Vegas. Her breasts were obviously 2 letter sizes larger. I asked if she got a boob job and she denied it, saying that it's against her religion. She's an atheist, and a liar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 507
You deserved it 3 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Thou shalt not have surgical breast implants"

BlackBlazeCobra 16

For her sake I hope it wasn't a cheap surgery. If it was, she'll most likely regret those fake boobs down the line. Although that might be a good thing, as long as she doesn't get sick.


If you take her on a plane, they might pop.

Ugh, like that movie. I can't remember the name or what it was really about though, just the boob popping part.

Why is Noor thumbed down? That was a segment on an episode!

andrealovvve 17

Weird.. Me and my friend was just talkin bout if they can pop in airplanes. Feels almost like déjà vu lol.

How is this FYL? I'm sorry but I don't see what exactly she did that affected you.

Mister_Triangle 21

Her response was obviously a joke as well. Overreactions all around!

Well if she went from like an A cup to a C cup shouldn't your dad be happy?

myurlbriii 9

Why do you care? Besides, she's sticking to the classic rule- what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. I suppose she's half breaking it by bringing her new boobs home. Better than a ring?

Bigger boobs= bigger ring. Next trip maybe?

bout bloody time someone pointed out the mist obvious response to this post..I was afraid I was gonna have to lol..I scrolled every comment looking Forbes"what happens in Vegas" so Thnx for saying it :)

what happens in vegas, stays in vegas. Except for herpes. that shit comes back with you.

OK Then. Mom Went on a trip and brought herself back a little something extra. That's what you do when you go on vacation after all eh? Don't hassle her too much OP I'm sure she had her reasons, even if you may not agree with them. It's true, count your blessings she could have come back with stuff far more challanging to deal with.

I am an atheist and we whole hardly support a womans right to enlarge her breasts. Really OP you need to get the facts about atheism before you start spreading these salacious rumors.

Mister_Triangle 21

I whole-heartedly disagree with your spelling and grammar. Maybe next time the Flying Spaghetti Monster will have mercy on your noodle.

Could have been worse, you could have a new "dad" by now!

That's coming. She now has better "options".

Does it really matter? It's HER boobs!

she did lie about it, but otherwise it dosen't

That's what i was thinking.. How is this fYl? She's the one that lied. Who cares? Live and let live