By Brooke - 15/01/2013 05:45 - United States - Manteca

Today, my mother came back from her trip to Vegas. Her breasts were obviously 2 letter sizes larger. I asked if she got a boob job and she denied it, saying that it's against her religion. She's an atheist, and a liar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 507
You deserved it 3 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Thou shalt not have surgical breast implants"

BlackBlazeCobra 16

For her sake I hope it wasn't a cheap surgery. If it was, she'll most likely regret those fake boobs down the line. Although that might be a good thing, as long as she doesn't get sick.


perdix 29

What if she's lying about being an atheist?

Hardly anyone will claim to be an atheist when s/he's a believer, but plenty of people lie about believing when they are atheists, for obvious reasons. As for you, OP, why do you care that your mom got a boob job? She's hardly the first person to lie about having work done, although the "against her religion" thing is silly. It's her body, her money, and her decision. Let's just hope she didn't have a fly-by-night surgeon because if you have to pick up the pieces of her screwed-up surgery, that WILL be FML-worthy.

RedPillSucks 31

I heard her screaming "Oh God!! Oh God!!!" in the bed room last night so for sure she's lying (laying??) about being an atheist.

vencku 13

88 - Maybe OP was just trying to have a conversation with her mother. You know. Like people do when something new happens.

Why would you pay attention to your mother's breast size

I know this is probably a dumb question, but what's MILF?

Well it's not the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

RedPillSucks 31

Mentors I've learned from. They all just happen to be older and have breasts.

Doesn't matter if she used the religion card when she's an atheist or if she simply lied or if she was enhanced by aliens; it ain't none of your eff'ing business and it's rude to ask someone that. What would you say if she asked you about your penis enlargement system?