By drbckflps - 18/12/2014 00:48 - Australia - Mount Gravatt

Today, my mother-in-law asked for a copy of my son's death certificate so she could have her week-long island beach holiday classed as bereavement leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 920
You deserved it 2 976

drbckflps tells us more.

I haven't read all the comments yet but thank you for your condolences. This is indeed the grandmother of my son and no, she didn't take the holiday as a way of grieving - it was purely opportunistic. She wasn't even polite to us at the funeral: her words to me were, "In six months when I get back you'll have forgotten this whole thing ever happened." Very disappointing. Thank you all again. I'll reply again when I get a chance to read some more comments.

Top comments

That's horrible:( I'm sorry for your loss!

Everyone can grieve differently, but that just seems a bit heartless and opportunistic. I'm sorry for your loss OP, I can't imagine how that feels.


That's really heartless for her, may be RIP though

Don't give it to her. What a bitch! Sorry for your loss Op. :(

OP, Im so sorry for you. I hope you blast her face off point-blank with a shotgun. again sry and that bitch deserves it.

lauren_5904 1

That is beyond horrible. There ought to be a special place in hell for your MIL. She lost a grandchild !

TheKirs10 10

What a hateful inconsiderate bitch. I'm so sorry for your loss OP.

What the actual **** this is horrible, I'm so sorry op

I lost my son about 8 years ago, I understand your pain and am so sorry for your loss.

KaywinnetLeeFrye 15

That is literally the worst thing I've ever heard.

Okay, no fancy words, i'm just gonna say what everyone is thinking. WHAT THE ACTUAL ****. HOW SICKENING DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO PULL THAT SHIT!?