By omfgfmlife - 05/07/2011 14:32 - United States

Today, my mother insisted I thoroughly water all the plants in and around my house before some people turned up. This would be fine except 90% of them are fake. She is convinced it will make them look "realer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 317
You deserved it 3 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxsarahfxx 6

Always listen to your mother ! :)

Just be lucky you didn't pick up her genetics, hopefully.


Josiieeee 3

Is 'realer' even a word..? I don't think so.

bondkombat13 0

my cousin watered a fake plant yesterday

mommy knows best!! hahahahaha you poor bastard!!

Does she organize the plants by the first letter of its scientific name too?

coolsunshinebear 14

House will grow fungus n be health hazard.

Tell her you finished the job using fake water.