By omfgfmlife - 05/07/2011 14:32 - United States

Today, my mother insisted I thoroughly water all the plants in and around my house before some people turned up. This would be fine except 90% of them are fake. She is convinced it will make them look "realer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 317
You deserved it 3 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxsarahfxx 6

Always listen to your mother ! :)

Just be lucky you didn't pick up her genetics, hopefully.


And whoever hasn't is a lucky son of b!tch.

God damn passionangel. We understand that you are new so ill try to help. 1) DO NOT place a face on every comment 2) DO NOT complain abour being thumbed down 3) DO actually use proper spelling and grammer That is all, Class dismissed.

Shivverr 0

It's these kinds of people that make me ashamed to be an American.. >_

Lucky_AK 0

'realer' isn't a word. What is it with people and grammar these days?

crowbar_2010 2

she wants the house plants to look good and watering will rinse off the dust bc shes too lazy to clean them. thats my story and I'm sticking to it!

she probably just wants you to leave her alone

LittleOneInLove 0

Thats actually really funny no offense ^-^ thats gotta suck