By zoe777 - 09/11/2013 02:54 - United States

Today, my mother not only told me that my ex-husband will be spending Thanksgiving with her and my dad, but that I'm also no longer invited to spend the holiday with my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 835
You deserved it 4 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, OP. Why won't you take revenge and go on a family holiday with your ex mother-in-law?

Redgrass7 7

31 I see these FMLs ALL the time. My guess is she cheated on him and left him with the kids, or cleared out his bank account, etc.... Something along those lines. Family isn't going to disown you and pick up the ex because you forgot to bring a dish to a party or something.


Maybe even though OP and her ex husband are divorced, every time they are around each other they still argue and rehash things that went wrong in their marriage and OP's parents are tired of dealing with that. They might still like the ex and want to spend time with him but not hear all the fighting and thus decided for one holiday not to spend it with their daughter.

There are 365 days on one year, sometimes 366. There's no reason to choose a holiday to spend with the ex instead of a regular day.

Wth I'm sorry, they sound like my family! So I found that being with someone else and spending holidays with them were much more holiday feeling

Redgrass7 7

31 I see these FMLs ALL the time. My guess is she cheated on him and left him with the kids, or cleared out his bank account, etc.... Something along those lines. Family isn't going to disown you and pick up the ex because you forgot to bring a dish to a party or something.

luckyone365 7

Obviously the divorce was your fault.

graceinsheepwear 33

I've also seen a number of these FMLs and I rarely moderate.

Obviously this is a YDI. You must have done something to make them mad. Maybe learn from this experience, and be a better person.